Thursday, December 28, 2023

Will and the (Various) Women

Alright! We got the Honda Pilot's oil and filters changed, other fluids topped off, and a burnt-out taillight (which we didn't know about) replaced, all before 9 AM. 

Yesterday we were on the rope pulley at the gym, when a young woman approached us. We thought, 'It's happening,' [Oh my God-Ed]. She said something but we couldn't hear because of our headphones. We took them off and said, 'Sorry?' [Did she say, go away, creep?-Ed] No, she said, 'I like your T-shirt.' We replied, 'Oh, thank you very much!' and went back to the rope pully. We were wearing our Israeli flag T-shirt. We can say with near certainty that she's a Jewess. We can always spot one of our own, for as the Imams say...

As it happens when this nice, polite, and we'll admit it, pretty young lady approached us, we were listening to Michael Malice's interview of Meghan McCain. Go ahead and joke, we have. Malice is an interesting man who always conducts interesting interviews. McCain talks about her dad, and his politics, and her public life. Of course she dishes on The View, and it won't surprise reader(s) to learn The View is super toxic. We don't agree with everything Meghan McCain says, but anyone who hates Liz Cheney can't be all bad. When Malice brought up nepotism and advantage, McCain pointed out that Chelsey Clinton is no longer on air and she is. 

OSINTdefender reports, 'A Massive Operation by the Israel Defense Force is taking place throughout the West Bank tonight, as Hundreds of Armored Vehicles and Thousands of Troops have Stormed several Cities across the Region including Jenin, Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah, and Jericho in what appears to be an attempt to Mass Arrest known Hamas and PIJ Terrorists; Heavy Fighting has been reported in many of these Cities where the Operation is taking place.' Israel shows its willingness to expand the war.

Speaking of expanding the war, the Times of Israel tells us, 'Sirens sounded repeatedly in northern Israel on Wednesday as rockets fired from Lebanon pummeled the towns of Rosh Hanikra and Kiryat Shmona in a major escalation of violence along the restive border...' ToI says these are the largest Hezbollah rocket barrages of the war. All together now, Hezbollah, Bibi. Defence Minister Gallant says the war has several fronts and the IDF is hitting back on six of them. Exit question: How do the Israelis hit back at the Houthis? Sub question: What if the Israeli navy becomes the guarantor of freedom of the seas in the Red Sea?  

What Will's Watching: Battle Beyond the Stars. Pursuant to our note last week that Rebel Moon was a remake of Battle Beyond the Stars (itself a remake of The Magnificent Seven), we watched BBtS last night. BBtS was an 80's staple for any kid who liked space movies. Man, has BBtS aged. BBtS is an extremely1980 movie and it's not nearly as wonderful as we recall. Still, the film is well executed (there's themes, character arcs, an interesting villain) and good within the confines of its parameters. Meaning BBtS is low budget but maximized that budget. For 1980, the special effects aren't bad, actually. Thank you, James Cameron. BBtS has some excellent ideas. By the Vardas, 3/4.

Yesterday someone asked GOP presidential hopeful and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley what caused the Civil War (or War Between the States if one prefers). She replied, 'How government was going to run. The freedoms of what people could and couldn't do.'  What? This is a Kamala-esque sentence catastrophe. It's like Haley's software glitched and she had to search for the right sentence to upload and almost chose, 'Fuck you, asshole' which is a reference. 'Better say something about freedom and government,' Haley's brain told her. 

Look, you people know this blog holds no truck with the statue topplers and Johnny Reb haters. However (!) the Civil War was about slavery. That's it. The branches of causation all lead back to the single taproot of slavery. Haley should have said the Civil War was about slavery and then spent the next minute lambasting DEI and the statue defilers. Who we once admired, we've come to loath.  

1 comment:

  1. Its the war of Northern Aggression and yes the South seceded because of slavery no one with a working brain cell can deny that but slavery also wasn't why the dirt poor farmer in the South fought o hard for 4 years neither we fought because Yankees invaded our land wether it was a good cause or not I will leave that up to God
