Monday, December 18, 2023

Will Will go the full Ludendorff?

We had friends and neighbors over for a Chanukah party last night, even though Chanukah is over. The gathering was a success. 

Bibi doesn't like Swords of Iron: 'Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly unhappy with the army’s official name for the ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza and is pushing for it to be changed.' The name is fine but, yeah....The Israelis should have gone with something biblical, something Olde Testament, real wrath of god type stuff. Operation Macabee, Operation 11th Plague. 

Note to Jew hating Harvard president and plagiarist Claudine Gay. The lead sentence of the above paragraph was originally, 'Bibi is unhappy with the name Swords of Iron,' but we changed the lead becuase it was too much like the ToI lead. Also, 'real wrath of god type stuff' are not our own words. They're a reference, and we bet Stroock's Books reader(s) know which movie they reference. 

Yes, yes we've seen the trailer for Civil War. The authors are using journos as a plot device. Fair play, we do that too. Journo's jobs are to go around reporting things, so they're a good way to show the reader what's happening. Like other commenters, we are baffled by this movies' premise. 

Hmmm....1945, for whom we've published ten articles, does not seem to be posting new articles. 

Oh look, a morning where we don't have to think about World War 1990: The Final Storm.  What are we thinking about, then? This month we've begun two stories for War Night. In Alberta Prairie, a farmer has just watched a bunch of contrails streak south. In Title to be Determined, a single mom just got off the phone with her teenage daughter who wants her curfew extended. Both stories are off to a good start, but we've no idea how to finish them. This is not necessarily a problem, but we are frustrated, nonetheless. 

We could Ludendorff*, whereby we leave these unfinished stories for later and start another. The War Night concept calls for a series of 5-10,000 word stories built around a longer 20,000 word or so story called War Night. We've no idea what War Night is, though. All we have is a name. We're going to write a missile silo crew story. We're going to write an artillery battery at Fulda Gap story. Neither of these are War Night.

*Attacking in many different places in succession, abandoning one drive when resistance stiffens and beginning another. Ludendorff is often slammed for doing this in the spring of 1918, but why keep hammering a hard point? Why not look for the weak spot?

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