Friday, January 5, 2024

Back to Friday Regular

Oh look, we're not doing Friday updates. [That's because you'll be doing Saturday updates-Ed]. That's right. Hmmmm is there football tomorrow? Yes, yes there is. We admit to being footballed-out after a weird, whacky, and kinda disappointing season. But we shall avoid a boring Saturday at least. Oh! And we may get some snowblower worthy snow. Wish us luck. 

We draw attention again to this article in the Jerusalem Post about the Hamas War. Author Amiad Cohen argues that if the Hezbollah situation is not solved diplomatically, 'Israel will be forced into a major military offensive that will only culminate in the relocation of the border to the Litani, the inevitable move of the hostile Lebanese population north of the new border.' Quite right. Until 2000, Israel occupied Lebanon south of the Litani. Withdrawal was just one of the many mistakes Ehud Barak made. The current Israel/Lebanon border is a line on the map along no natural boundary. Lebanon is a byproduct of Sykes/Picot and Versailles. It's not a real country and Syria claims it. Heck, Syria occupied a large part of Lebanon till 2004. 

What Will's Watching: Radical Wolfe. This is a short, illuminating documentary about the writer famous for his biting pieces on the social scene and his novels. We've not read a Tom Wolfe novel, nor an article. Oh that New York literary scene. The documentary had many interviews with famous New York literary types, none of whom we'll bother to name. We loath these people, they're style and pretentions. [Jealous?-Ed] No, we've dined many times at the famed Algonquin Round Table (in those very chairs, beneath that very painting) and they haven't [they probably have-Ed]. Whatever. We hate their city. The documentary was good though; short, pithy, unlike Tom Wolfe 4/4

We could write like Tom Wolfe, if we wanted to. [Could you?-Ed] We could. 'The young man's dark suit was on the tight side, a result of his being married last spring. His pretty new wife's cooking showed itself in his expanding waistline. There was no cooking from that pretty young wife this Christmas morning, though. She was angry, as new wives often are when they learn their husbands do not act like their fathers when they pout. 'Time and a half, I can't turn that down,' he told her. He walked with the gait of a man who had a place to be. That place was at the concierge of the Algonquin Hotel, where a shocking number of Jewish guests would have Christmas lunch. They would tip accordingly, tip with the vigor of people who wanted to be someplace nice on Christmas afternoon.' Huh, that was kind of fun. You know...[You know, what?-Ed]  

Well damn, Professor Brian Todd Carey, who first encouraged us to start publishing in magazines, has a new book out. Okay that was a year ago today, but still.  'Warfare in the Age of Crusades: The Latin East explores in fascinating detail the key campaigns, battles and sieges that shaped the crusading period of the Middle Ages, giving special attention to military technologies, tactics and strategies.' We own, have read and made use of Professor Carey's previous works on Ancient and Medieval Warfare. We highly recommend him. 

We spent a lot of time looking over World War 1990: Operation Arctic Storm preparatory to writing a few World War 1990: Norway scenes. Man....we were working on Arctic Storm a decade ago. The vibe is sooo different. We're glad we went over Arctic Storm, actually. Doing so gave us a couple of good ideas. Back then places like Tromso and Bardufoss were dots on a map. Now we can give readers detailed accounts of the bases and the terrain around them. 

Sales of World War 1990: The Final Storm continue to grow. TFS has now cracked the top 100 of its amazon category. Seven ratings, 4 stars. 

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