Thursday, May 9, 2024

Joe says 'Don't'. BIbi says 'Do'?

We awake with a touch of gout, which we've already taken steps to mitigate. We anticipate hitting the gym this afternoon after a great cardio session yesterday.

Happy Victory Day...comrades. Today we commemorate the glorious Red Army's triumph over the fascist German aggressors. 

This morning Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran are smiling as the Biden Regime says it will withhold weapons transfers to Israel if the IDF finishes the job in Rafah. There's lots of outrage in the US from the GOP, some Dems (though not Chuck Schumer), and Jewish groups. We'll see if said outrage does any good. This blog has no idea what the Regime's ultimatum means for Rafah or the war in general.  A senior Israel source (usually this means Bibi) says the attack continues regardless. Legal Insurrection has the measure of things, we think. Dark times lay ahead.*

On to nicer things. Israel census data reveals the nation's population tops 9.9 million people. Seventy-three percent of them Jews. Sixty percent of the nation is under forty years old. Good. Israel needs a generation of bright young people for the challenges that lay ahead. The world Jewish population is surging, and we're proud to say the Stroock family has done its bit.  Am Israel Chai. 

The bathroom remodel continues.... last night we went shopping for tile, fixtures, and vanities. Young fellas, when she goes into her redecorating mode, you just nod along. Do you really care if the trash can is tope or beige? Actually we saw a navy-blue vanity and tile combo we really liked. She did too. So it's on the list. 

Our 2024 is pretty mush set, writing wise. Finish War Night. There will be no summer sneak in. Write that WWII alternate history submission, due in July. Hopefully we'll be asked to submit again. But what are we starting in the autumn? This leads to many stray thoughts and many questions. Just what do we want to write? Maybe it's time to start something completely new. But what? We've no idea.

*We're not going spew fire and brimstone here, there's no point. But if reader(s) are thinking that we're thinking what they think we're thinking, they're thinking is correct. We'll say one thing, if exercising restraint doesn't purchase good will from the Regime, then Israel should not exercise restraint. Finish it, Bibi. 

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