Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday Green Gang

We went to a sports bar with Mrs. Stroock yesterday to watch the Eagles stink it up against the Buccaneers. The Eagles looked completely unprepared. We drank not one but two beers, leaving us in that dam alcoholic fog we've come to hate and is the main reason we don't drink much anymore.  We miss casual drinking, we really do. 

We also saw the rain-soaked Jets lose a home game to the Broncos 10-9. Boy did that ever feel like a Jets game. We kept expecting the coach to put Pat Ryan in. IYKYK. That evening we tuned into Sunday Night Football, where we were deluged with Kamala Harris ads. Did you know Kamala grew up middleclass? Also, did you know Trump is rich? We don't mean to get optimistic, but where not sure these ads are going to do what Kamala's people think they're going to do.* 

Speaking of NY sports futility, today the Mets play a doubleheader against the Braves in Atlanta to conclude the season.  If the Mets win one of the two games, they're in the playoffs.  'The Mets can do that, right?' a Mets fan friend of ours asked. That damn city has been a house of horrors for the Mets for nigh on 30 years now. And future former Mets slugger Pete Alonso hasn't gotten a big hit all year. 'Nope,' we replied. 

The Israelis took out some more terrorist leaders in Lebanon, yesterday, we're losing track of whom  (Hamas' leader in Lebanon, who it turns out was on the UNWRA payroll, of course). They also admitted that Israeli forces have been operating in southern Lebanon for some time now, prepping the battlefield as it were. You know what the imams say. 

Prediction, should the Israeli army advance to the Litani, Hezbollah forces will crumble. Interestingly, Lebanon's PM, whoever that is, says he's prepared to order the Lebanese Army south of the Litani to enforce UN Resolution 1701.  Also yesterday, the Israelis slammed the Houthis. We admit to dreading October less than we did a month ago.  Further prediction, the Israelis invade Lebanon on 10/7.

And finally, 'Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party would win the most seats in the Knesset if elections were held today...' 25 seats in the 120 seat Knesset. The article goes on to say that Likud and the right bloc would be in the minority and Bibi probably couldn't form a government. Why not? Bibi just got Gideon Sa'ar's New Hope to join his government. Has one not yet learned that one does not underestimate Binyomin Netanyahu? Hahaha, Bibi, you magnificent bastard. 

A new alternate history project was dumbed in our lap by a previous editor who has published our work. He gave us a week. We demurred initially, saying we have Rosh Hashanah this week. He asked, 'What if I give you two weeks?' We replied, 'Challenge accepted.' You know, everyone gets hung up on the invasion of Japan in 1946, but nobody wants to talk about what the autumn of '45 and the winter of '45-'46 would have been like. A winter of famine, disease, and death. 

Monday Metal: staying home with our then Only Daughter, we used to keep the telly on VH-classic. We got reacquainted with music videos we hadn't seen in 15 years. This was the time when the Heavy Metal revival was really coming into its own. All throughout the spring and summer of 2007 we saw this promo at the top and bottom of every hour:

*We didn't get Barry Soetoro's strategy in 2012 either, and look how that turned out. 

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