Happy 2025....we are deeply troubled, disturbed even, that the three year old dishwasher which spent most of 2024 malfunctioning is now running perfectly for the 3rd day in a row. We feel like Gandolf and Pippin at Minis Tirith during the calm before the Orcs attack.
This blog endorses Mike Johnson for speaker. You got a better idea? Idiots. Here's what we wrote during the last Speaker rigamarole nearly two years ago.
So we caught the second half of the Notre Dame/Georgia game last night. The Fighting Irish (damn Irish)* won decisively 23-10 and looked, you guessed it, big, strong and tough. They play Mrs. Stroock's Nittany Lions next week. Historically speaking, this is an interesting matchup, no? Oh! Look at Ole Miss...Yay Eli Manning. Somewhere, the leader of this blog's Confederate Contingent smiles.
Project 2020-Will: Covid truth and reconciliation commission... independent counsel to investigate Fauci...civil lawsuits against local health commissioners who enforced mask mandates.
Middle East rumblings...New Syrian regime makes nice with Israel? Maybe. It almost feels like Iran is about to become old news [Oh look, victory disease is back-Ed]. Turkey becomes major player in Levant. Chilling. Egypt to purchase $5 billion in US arms. Worrisome. The whole point of the Camp David Accords was to take Egypt out of the strategic calculus. Read all about it.
And just how right are the imams about the Jews? Israel Radar reports tells us about the Israeli's commando raid on the Syrian missile production facility at Masyav and proclaims, 'no target is out of reach'. Israel Radar asked the obvious: is Iran next?' We have to admit, we never envisioned Israel commando raids on Iranian nuclear facilities in Israel Strikes. This would have been a nice bit of narrative differentiation.
*In World War 1990: Thatcher's War, the Royal Air Force will bomb Notre Dame if they beat Penn State. [Really?-Ed]. No. But Ingham and a few other guys will be operating in New York and/or Boston and engaging in some anti-IRA hooliganism. This blog hates Boston and everything in it.
Unfortunately I was stuck at work unloading a liquid fertilizer barge last night and had to miss the game but yes I am smiling