Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Jews are weak

As I write this, my oldest daughter is watching the latest production of The Diary of Ann Frank. Because that's what the world needs, another production about a 13 ear old Jewish girl waiting to die.

God almighty I hate the Holocaust. Not the event, that's not what I mean. I hate the Holocaust industry, the movement, the reverence of it. Right now, there are millions of Jews in the United States who haven't sent foot in a synagogue in years, but who will run to the theater to see the latest holocaust movie. How people can watch yet another movie about their cousins being rounded up and support gun control is beyond me, but that's politics, and this blog tries to remain non-political, mostly.

This is a minor, but persistent theme in my first novel, A Line Through the Desert. Time and again Sgt. Jake Bloom is confronted by Jewish weakness. In one scene his mother relates to Aunt Froma how Jake had a HS encounter with an Anti-semite. Aunt Froma asked if Jake called the ADL, Jake proudly relates that he punched Rocco Labriola in the face. Later that night, Jake tells his girlfriend how when he was a kid, his cousins Myron and Roger always wanted to play Fiddler on the Roof, while he wanted to play Raid on Entebbe.

More movies about Jews kicking ass, please. Soon I'll show my daughter Raid on Entebbe, and Vengeance, Defiance....

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