Monday, December 26, 2016

Metal Monday: Spousal Abuse Edition

So, I am blessed by Mrs. Stroock. Here's a great reason why. She's gone with me all kinds of heavy metal concerts: Def Leppard, AC/DC, lastly and most epically, Iron Maiden; the Somewhere in Time tour, 2008.

I couldn't get her to dress up like a trashy metal chick, but what'r you going to do?

Actually, our last concert was Def Leppard during the summer of this year. It was fun, we were the touchy-gropey married couple you see at these things. Which was nice. The last two concerts we went to we brought the Stroocklettes. They hated. Rotten kids.

Its not every woman who will go to a concert with her man, much less an Iron Maiden Concert. That's love, I tell you.

I offered to reciprocate and go with Mrs. Stroock to see one of her favorites, Peter Cetera and Chicago. She replied, 'With you? Not on your life.'

Now that's love.

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