Monday, April 9, 2018

There will be no Blue Wave

The intrepid lawyers at Powerline and Legal Insurrection  dive into the coming 'Blue Wave' and come up skeptical. Both quote Roger Kimball who writes sensibly in Spectator USA:

Sure, it is possible that the Republicans will lose a few House seats. But Trump’s increasingly broad-based support and the astonishing success of his agenda make it just as likely that the Republicans will gain a few seats.

Earlier Kimball makes note of Barrack Hussein Obama's massive 63 seat loss in 2010.

Let us also recall W's 32 seat loss in 2006 and Clinton's 54 seat loss in 1994.

Remember all three presidents got shellacked becuase of major legislative calamities, unpopular policies, wars, etc...

Trump is popular. Trump's policies are popular. The Democrat Party is running against Trump's popular policies.

Ergo? IE? IG? I don't give a fuck, there will be no Blue Wave.

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