Monday, July 8, 2019

Johnson to Britain: Sun Rises in East

Boris Johnson, the next British Prime Minister, has adopted Trump's strategy of saying something blindingly obvious and letting the deranged lunatics on the left howl like drug addled San Francisco defectors:
Boris Johnson has demanded immigrants to the UK learn English because ‘there are too many parts of the country where it is not the first language.’ The Tory front runner made the comments while at a Conservative leadership hustings in Darlington on Friday. He said it was important for people to speak primarily English so they can ‘take part in the economy and in society in the way that that shared experience would allow’.

Read more:
Let's try this ourselves: 

'People immigrating to England should be thankful.'

'People immigrating to England should accept Parliament's laws.'

This is a fun game, people. Try it!

Like Trump, Boris is rich.

Like Trump, Boris is twice divorced. Actually his personal life seems even messier. That's a fun google search, folks.

Boris just doesn't have to care what anyone says or thinks about him.

We no longer know if Britain can be saved, but we think Boris Johnson is crazy enough to do it.

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