Friday, January 17, 2020

Whose got Game? Mitch got Game

Yesterday Nancy Pelosi signs the impeachment articles with a dozen gold pens presented on silver platters, hands them out as souvenirs and then has the articles delivered by a Benny Hill Show cast of clowns. Meanwhile Kamala Harris (D- Under Willie Brown's Desk) is caught yucking it up before putting on her fake solemn face.

As Casey Stengel once remarked, 'Can't anybody play this game?'

Meanwhile Cocaine Mitch is promising 'witness reciprocity', Rand Paul (R-from our mother's ancestral homeland of Kentucky) is threatening GOP squishes that if they vote for Dem witnesses he'll force a vote on Hunter Biden, and Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-the Great State of Tennessee. Go Vols!) says the four Democrat Senators running for president should recuse themselves. 

That is some serious game, people. If the Senate GOP were an NFL team they'd be 14-2. Slav Level 9.5/10. They're Joe Torre's New York Yankees, Michael Jordan's Chicago Bulls, Tom Brady's New England Patriots, Wayne Gretsky's Edmonton Oilers. European reader(s) should feel free to put FIFA references in the comments below.

Bonus: Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) tells CNN to get fucked.

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